"We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love." ...Mother Teresa

My amazing friends - Thanks, Takk, Gracias, Obrigado, Grazie, Multumesc, Merci, Danke, Dziękuję

Sunday, 8 August 2010

R.I.P... Rest In Peace...

This is my saddest post I ever wrote.
One of my dear friends from England is gone.
He was hit to a car in Friday night. He was just 25 year old and a briliant person, friend. I'm shocked!
This is just a simple tribute for him.


Scott Law said...

Sorry for your loss. This is nice tribute for him.

msdewberry said...

Oh that is a terrible thing, I am so sorry for your loss.
It is a beautiful photo and tribute to your friend.

Anonymous said...

I'm terribly sorry for your loss & at such a young age... just awful!

Tania said...

Oh, I`m so sorry.. this is so sad, and so young..
Give you a hug from here!

Ps: only a week until I'm in Portugal, looking forward to lots of Deep water soloing, swimming and shooting:-)

Liza B. Gonzalez said...

My heart aches for your friend and his family. What a tragedy.

kyungmee said...

So sorry to hear of your loss. A big hug from the States.

Anne said...

Ohhh Robert, what to say...

I can only tell you my hart is crying for you and the lost friend.

I have a poem that would have been like a small kins of medisine, but its hard to translate in english.

A big big warm hug to you my friend.

SILVIA said...

Querido Robert, lo siento de verdad. Una pérdida así siempre es dura y triste. Piensa que mientras viva en tu recuerdo, permanecerá entre vosotros. Te mando un cálido beso y un fortísimo abrazo querido amigo. Ya sabes donde encontrarme siempre que quieras.

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) said...

It was sad to hear, Robert! My thoughts go to you and his family.

LOCURAS said...

Robert!! que tristeza, lo siento muchisimo! deseo de corazon que la familia tenga consuelo!
un abrazo gigante para vos!!!


I am so sorry for your loss Robert! Loosing a friend is heartbraking, and so meaningless when he was so young. My thoughts are with you.

Light and Voices said...

There is nothing to say at a time like this.

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