"We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love." ...Mother Teresa

My amazing friends - Thanks, Takk, Gracias, Obrigado, Grazie, Multumesc, Merci, Danke, Dziękuję

Monday, 2 August 2010

Hot days...

Last week was one of the hotest week in the last few years.
This pictures was taked at 7.30 AM and was already 34C degree.


Unknown said...

Stunning photographs.

Bluggi buggi blogg said...

Lovely pictures. It looks hot there too :)
Trude :)

Tone said...

Here in Norway (Bergen) there is not as hot as you have over there. Its raining every day, and the sun have forgotten that its summertime :( I hope you have an beautiful summer!

msdewberry said...

We have had a couple of hot days up in the 30's here too, and the early early morning is the only time comfortable enough to venture out in it. Your photos are awesome!

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) said...

Nice pictures Robert, you have blue sky and sun, here it is just overcast and gray, very little sun to see.

annalarssonphotography said...

Lovley shots, Robert!

I haven't heard from you in awhile - I hope you are ok!!

Hugs, Anna

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