"We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love." ...Mother Teresa

My amazing friends - Thanks, Takk, Gracias, Obrigado, Grazie, Multumesc, Merci, Danke, Dziękuję

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Golden rain

This photo was taken 4 years ago with a Canon EOS 50E (traditional)


Anne said...

Tank you so for visiting my blog :-) so happy for some new friends you know.

Such a lovely yellow colour in your picture, autum is great!!

Fernando Gonzalez Seral. fgseral said...

...veo que te gusta la neaturaleza, enhorabuena por tu blog, tienes unas fotos muy bonitas.
Un saludo, y gracias por visitar mi blog.


Still raining in England? In Oslo we have sunny weather! Warm and lovely autumn.

I like your shot! Love the autumn colors!

NEUS said...

Fantásticos los colores de esta toma.Una fotografía preciosa!!.
Tienes un blog muy variado,Felicidades!! Un Saludo.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo, my traditional camera was Canon EOS 50E also. Great camera.

IC Popescu said...

good inspirations!!congratulations!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful and well capture. I like watching your photos. I will follow you,,

Pacey said...

Beautiful golden rain shots...Your photos are always great...

Carletta said...

Very lovely!
I like light.

Gunilla said...

Fantastic yellow flowers.
Great shot.
Here it´s been a grey day today.I long for some sun.

Have a nice day
Gunilla in Sweden

Anonymous said...

Hi Robert,
great picture of very lovely flower!!

Anonymous said...

Pretty little blossoms. Is the plant grpwing wild or in a garden? I'm not familiar with it.

ellen said...

Friendship is the most beautiful relationship on earth. Share this wonderful relationship with the most beautiful object on earth the flowers. Flower is the symbol of joy, love, happiness, and passion. Every flower has its own image and importance and its own emotion symbol.

Hello there, nice to be here..I will be glad to hear from you soon.


Chubskulit Rose said...

Lovely name for a lovely flower!

You might know the names of some flowers that I have posted, coz I don't know them. Hope to see you!

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