"We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love." ...Mother Teresa

My amazing friends - Thanks, Takk, Gracias, Obrigado, Grazie, Multumesc, Merci, Danke, Dziękuję

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Fish bones ...


Scott Law said...

That cage has spent a lot of time in the water. I loke the colors on it.

Rune Eide said...

Bones that will bite! :-)

Happy New Year and New Photos :-)

Sylvia K said...

Terrific, interesting capture, Robert, as always! Wouldn't want that one taking a bite out of me, that's for sure! Hope your new year is off to a great start! Enjoy!


Anne said...

Happy New Year Robert!! and I do hope you all have had a pleasant Chirstmas in Portugal, you, Sylvia and the kids :-)

Dagrun said...

Happy new year Robert! Fishbones and other patterns: Well observed!


Interesting....and no more swimming for that little guy!

You miss the snow?? I would gladely exchange the snow for sun! But rain....no! :) Wish you a happy new year Robert - and hope to see a bit more photos from you! :)

auroraines said...

Parece terrorífico pero a veces los biólogos dejan que los animales se descompongan hasta quedar así para después armarlos o estudiarlos.
Es buena foto, pero no la haría un cuadro :(
Un beso

Olavs Blogg said...

Dette ser ut som et torskehode? Jeg prøver meg på norsk for at du kan få litt ekstra trening i språket. Jeg mener å ha sett at torsk på portugisisk er bacalao? Vi her i Norge har en kjent rett somm er laget av klippfisk som vi kaller bacalao. Jeg har sett litt nedover i bloggen din. Her er mye vakker fotografier. Jeg legger deg til, så titter jeg innpå igjen. Ha en fin dag.

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