"We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love." ...Mother Teresa

My amazing friends - Thanks, Takk, Gracias, Obrigado, Grazie, Multumesc, Merci, Danke, Dziękuję

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Oh, Yesss !!!

...and finaly, the first really hot day. 21 C degrees ! Some still wear clothes...
but the children are not waiting any more...
...they are run straight into the ocean :o)
(Nikon D40)

SkyWatch Friday

Thanks to Sky Watch Team, Klaus, Sandy, Ivar,Wren, Fishing Guy and Louise.


Anne said...

:-0 almost summer...?? shut, and here its still cold and snow :-(

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) said...

You enjoying the heat on the beach while we are shoveling snow:) 21 degrees? wow.. -1 Degrees here ... Enjoy the sun and heat Robert :)

The moon is not bigger here, hehe, I just zoomed in more:)
Have you got a new camera?

Ha en fin kveld :)
Or do you have night now?

sebi_2569 said...

super;impresionant your picture

Sylvia said...

Oh, Verão maravilhoso, que ainda demora para vir. Este calor primaveril, tão suave e doce, que nos faz adormecer ao sol... E os garotos felizes, saltando para as ondas como se fosse a primeira vez! Feliz Primavera, estação do Amor!

Rune Eide said...

Now you are making me jealous! Bit of sun and sand on the beach like this would have suited me fine.

Hege said...

You are so lucky!!! Summer...

Beautiful pictures Robert!

Gallow said...

It's so great to see warmer colors and kids having fun under a blue sky. Great capture. I hope you had some fun as well.

It's supposed to be warm here this weekend. I'm looking forward to it.

Anne-Berit said...

Look at the children how much fun they are having at the beach.Looks wonderful,and the photos are beautiful,asa always:o)

Gemma Wiseman said...

Stunning beach shots and the sky is a heavenly blue!

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