"We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love." ...Mother Teresa

My amazing friends - Thanks, Takk, Gracias, Obrigado, Grazie, Multumesc, Merci, Danke, Dziękuję

Thursday, 25 February 2010

SkyWatch: "Coast line"

Coast line

Guincho seascape

SkyWatch Friday

Thanks to Sky Watch Team, Klaus, Sandy, Ivar,Wren, Fishing Guy and Louise.


Scott Law said...

Hey Robert. Nice pics, I like the perspective of shooting out the car window on occasion. I wish I had a cool coast line like that close by instead of a two day drive.

I really like the new "logo" or © signature or whatever you call it. It's light and almost whimsical.

I'm trying some new experimental types of pics with motion blur and I'm going to post one tomorrow on my Phun Phriday! post. You have such a great eye I'd really appreciate your honest opinion and evaluation. Hope you'll stop by.


Lucy Corrander said...

You are tempting us to think of holidays.


R.Ferrari said...

gostei da foto tirada através da janela do carro.
Bonito trabalho.

Sylvia said...

Ah, que beleza. O mar sempre nos surpreende. A segunda realmente està muito criativa.

Tania said...

Wow, wish I was there! Wonderful place and shot! Love to see the ocean without snow and ice.
Wish you a great evening!

Gry said...

Summer! I love the colours in this first photo!

maresia said...

Mas que maravilha de blog eu descobri atraves do Adolfo!
Lindíssimas fotos!
Vou voltar...
parabens pela natureza linda
Ah! E se quiser ajudar uma mãe à procura de votos para o filho, please...;)
Neste link
Agradecida e preenchida com a beleza deste lugar

Dagrun said...

Beautiful skies in Portugal. I prefer the line in the first shot.

I'm so envious with your weather! It's still freezing here. I think we have not had snow for so many days in a row since I was a little girl...

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful beach - I'd love to walk there under the warm sunny skies.

Jane said...

Wonderful shots Robert, looks like a great beach to be on. Thanks for sharing:)

Sylvia K said...

What gorgeous captures of a gorgeous place, Robert! Love the water and the beach, light reflections in the water! Wonderful composition! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Ramosforest.Environment said...

Beautiful seaside shot.
Luiz Ramos

Tara R. said...

Gorgeous beach scene, amazing vistas. Just beautiful!

Lorac said...

Robert, once again you show beautiful skies!

Regina said...

Wonderful scenes and captures Robert.
Happy weekend.


Rajesh said...

Fabulous shots. First shot is very scenic.

Unknown said...

A beautifully scenic reminder of why I miss being closer to the sea.

SandyCarlson said...

Absolutely gorgeous.

aapayés said...


¨Hermoso cuando la poesía es todo en el sentir.. nace con amor la lectura..¨ Payés

Un abrazo
Saludos fraternos..

Que tengas in buen fin de semana..

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful scenery and shot of the seashore!

SILVIA said...

Algún día, mis pies caminarán por esa playa...¡Ójala!
preciosa imagen amigo mío. un millón de besos!!!

x_pEpPeRoNi_x said...

Beautiful. I like how white the waves that roll up the shore are. :O

syel said...

making me long for the beach! beautiful capture!

ProdigalWife said...

I'm thinking of the beach too! Beautiful photos--especially like the first one, I can picture myself there.
(Side note--My grandmother was from Transylvania.)

ProdigalWife said...

I'm thinking of the beach too! Beautiful photos--especially like the first one, I can picture myself there.
(Side note--My grandmother was from Transylvania.)

Tarun Mitra said...


Hege said...

Can we do a house-switch?? For just a couple of weeks? I really could have needed some warmer climate! :)

Beautiful pictures Robert!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Hugs, Hege

Laura said...

wonderful clouds!

MRB said...

Bellas fotografías. Muy pronto colgaré las mías.

Kcalpesh said...

The scenes are absolutely beautiful! I'm a big fan of beaches :-)

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